Spectral Nocturne ( Latin nocturnus, "belonging to the night” ) is a living vision of an individual who surrounds himself to the beauty of the abyss. Born to a Polish couple, the author was raised in a transient childhood where moving across countries in Europe evoked feelings of uncertainty, alienation and sense of impermanence. Sculpture and visual art have grown to a native language as means of communication with the differing world.
The dominant medium in most of the works presented is metal, chosen for its durability and its quality of developing a ravishing patina with age. It’s also a pillar to human evolution, the duality of becoming a tool of development as well as the weapon in warfare carrying power to extinguish our species. Alongside materials such as leather, bone or stone are apparent in the works presented: they all carry primordial emotion linked to our instincts, suppressed by the course of technological development and societal structure changes.
This individual believes that surrounding yourself with objects that activate our dormant identities will eventually lead to integrated conscious lives, preventing destructive manifestation. Enjoy the nocturnal spectacle that casts a shadow on the florid future You cannot discern.