In these forms, biomechanics are reinterpreted at a price paid for modernity’s advantages: the loss of visceral connection. Evoking a sense of “attractive unease" these pieces draw viewers into a world where flesh is inseparable from metal, forcing questions of desire, alienation, and what it means to be seduced by the promise of a seamless, yet ultimately detached, existence. A viewer is confronted by the rawness of steel which- here mimics deformed internal vessels of a struggling organism. The author uses hydro-forming to create a base which then is opened up and worked on by hand - a combination of craft in company with machinery efficiency, amplifies our relationship with technology.
Patterns made with hammering tools are purely intuitive, without a specific idea in mind, thanks to which the objects become separate entities and carry aura. In each example aesthetics remain identical, every piece slightly varies with intensity of curves, depth etc. yet all belong to the same family.
Techno Terra 75x25x1[cm]
Spinal Matrix 75x25x1[cm]
Gut Engine 60x25x10[cm]